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Jeff King

December 20, 2019
The Big Interview: Mike Morsell

The Eagles may have only had two games in the last five weeks but they were games where American forward Mike Morsell firmly announced his arrival on the BBL scene with two great performances. First off, he racked up 30 points albeit in a losing cause in the BBL Cup quarter final down in Worcester…

November 6, 2019
The Big Interview: Dave Forrester

For the latest in my series of The Big Interviews, I caught up with Newcastle’s very own legal Eagle, assistant head coach and Eagles Community Foundation trustee Dave Forrester to chat about his life as an Eagle and his thoughts on many things basketball and Newcastle related. As always Dave wasn’t backward at coming forwards…

November 11, 2018
Moses Helps Eagles Rebound

Esh Group Eagles Newcastle needed Friday’s 97 – 89 win at home against Worcester Wolves to put them back on track after the previous weekend’s double reversal at the hands of Leicester and Bristol. It was a timely boost as the Eagles face some tough up and coming games in both The BBL Championship and…

August 13, 2018
What’s In A Name?

So, what’s in a name or is it where there’s a Williams there’s a way! Kai became our fifth signing of the summer to be announced last week once again joining his bro’ in the same ranks and bringing that Eagles continuity to the roster that Fab, Dave, Ian and dare I say I, like….

July 22, 2018
More No News!

Well I suppose it’s time for another blog and another one of those with plenty to say but nothing to report! Pride of place and first up is to Mr and Mrs Williams. Yep, Verity and Kai have tied the knot and had a fantastic day yesterday celebrating this wonderful event.  We offer our biggest…

June 24, 2018
Kai Looks Back

In the latest instalment of our summer series on former Eagles and faces of British Basketball with connections to the club our LBTV commentator and coaching assistant Jeff King, or ‘Uncle Jeff’ to our players, caught up with 6’6 forward Kai Williams about playing for us last season… As the close season continues and we…

May 13, 2018
3×3 Part 1

So, I got the semi-final results absolutely spot-on then! Mind you after that draw down at The Copper Box on Friday I did have a snigger at myself. But, The Vince of Darkness and his boys came through for me and perhaps it’s fitting that we will have the top two slugging it out at…

April 1, 2018
The Facts Ma’am Just The Facts!

First, yes, it is April Fools Day but I’m posting this after 12:00pm so you know that it’s not a joke. Secondly, yes, it has been a long time since my last blog and for those thousands who have implored me to blog again, well the two or three of you anyway, I apologise for…

February 2, 2018
The Magnetic Appeal of The Eagles

It’s unusual for me to being doing a blog on the day of the game and I am probably being optimistic that many people will read it and to be honest I’m probably being optimistic that anybody reads my drivel at all but, here goes anyway. Really just wanted to cover three aspects. One of…