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Central Venue League – Under 18s Division

Under 18’s

Our Under 18’s division consists of 15 teams from most of our 13 ECF clubs. (Click on club name to view their Facebook page)

Visit our ECF Club SHOP to purchase your kits and club merchandise.


Under 18’s Rules

  1. Each game will consist of two 18 minute periods, running clock. Half time will be no more than 3 minutes.
  2. The clock will be stopped only for dead balls within the last 60 seconds of the last period.
  3. Free throws will be awarded on the 8th team foul in each half, and all team fouls thereafter until the end of the half.
  4. foul shots will have no line up for the first shot. This will be the time for players to huddle and work out a strategy. Line up will be allowed for the final foul shot.
  5. Any player who reaches five personal fouls will be disqualified from the game.
  6. Any player who obtains either two technical fouls, two unsportsmanlike fouls or one of each will be disqualified from the game.
  7. In the regular season tied games are possible.
  8. There are no limitations on team defence. Coaches are expected to operate with player development as their primary focus in this regard.
  9. All players must be ECF members via the nest and signed up for CVL.
  10. No timeouts for the whole game
  11. spectators to adhere to code of conduct. no coaching/shouting down onto the court
  12. Any player heard swearing on court will be subbed out for 2 minutes. If they do this again they will be off for the rest of the game.


Under 18’s Division 1

Under 18’s Division 2

League Tables:

Division 1;



Division 2;