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  1. Preview: Eagles Mens vs Bristol Flyers
  2. Delpeche Delivers Heartfelt Thanks To ‘League’s Best Fans’
  3. ENBL Report: Bakken Bears 87-84 Eagles Men
  4. ENBL Preview: Eagles Men at Bakken Bears
  5. Report: London Lions 79-68 Eagles Men


August 26, 2021
Academy Eagle Soars To Next Stage 

Emmanuel Hezekiel from the Newcastle Eagles Academy has been chosen to move to the next stage of Basketball England’s national team selections, looking at stars of the future through an Under-16s showcase. Hezekiel has been an Academy player from the U14 age group where he competed in the Junior NBL Premier North Division. Coming through…

August 12, 2021
Job Advert: Development Manager

The Eagles Community Foundation is looking to fill a new position of Development Manager for its award-winning region-wide outreach programme. To apply: Please complete the Eagles Community Foundation’s job application form and submit it to Susan Hunter, either via email to [email protected] or post to Susan Hunter, Chief Operating Officer, Eagles Community Foundation, Vertu Motors Arena, Scotswood…

July 23, 2021
FREE Basketball and Multi-Sport Camps To Make This Newcastle’s Best Summer Ever

In partnership with Newcastle City Council and StreetGames our Eagles Community Foundation are pleased to announce the return of our FREE basketball and multi-sport camps as part of Newcastle’s Best Summer Ever for 2021. Camps take place at the Vertu Motors Arena every Friday from 30 July to 3 September from 9am to 1pm and include a…

June 28, 2021
Walking Basketball Is Back

Walking Basketball session at our Vertu Motors Arena are back on Thursdays 11:00-12:00. Sessions are aimed at those aged 40+ with all levels of ability welcome for these fun and friendly hours led by an Eagles Community Foundation coach. To find out more contact our Active Ageing Officer Neil Curry by emailing [email protected] or calling 0191 2453881.

June 13, 2021
Academy Trials Now Open To All Foundation Club Members

Our Newcastle Eagles Academy junior team trials are now open to all Eagles Community Foundation members aged under 14 and 16 years. The trials take place at the Vertu Motors Arena on Sunday 27 June 2021 and the cost per player is just £12.00 which is payable when you book your session on the Nest. U14 Girls 9:00…

June 7, 2021
Register Your Interest In Joining Our EABL Programme for 2021-22

We are now accepting registrations of interest in becoming part of our 2021-22 Elite Academy Basketball League (EABL) programme for both boys and girls who are leaving Year 11 and looking to work towards a Diploma in Sporting Excellence (DiSE). Our Newcastle Eagles Academy play in the premier junior basketball competition in the UK, the EABL which…

May 25, 2021
Our New Junior Club Kits Are Now Shipping

From today our league-wide range of exciting new kits for the Eagles Community Foundation’s junior clubs are now shipping! A batch of the first orders for some clubs left the factory of our Tyneside-based kit supplier Core 37 on Monday and have now been posted to players from our shop at the Vertu Motors Arena. The…

April 13, 2021
New Club Kits and Teamwear On Sale Now

We are pleased to launch an exciting league-wide range of new kits with ground-breaking lightweight reversible jerseys paired with matching shorts, shooting shirts and off-court teamwear in partnership with a new Tyneside-based kit supplier Core 37. For both Central Venue League games and team training, the reversible jerseys will remove the need for ‘bibs’ in games making match-ups…

April 9, 2021
Our Clubs Are Back From Monday And With A New Look

Our Eagles Community Foundation clubs are back and players can book in for training sessions now ready for when lockdown restrictions will be relaxed to allow indoor basketball from Monday 12 April. Ready for the return to play for all our young players, in partnership with a new Tyneside-based kit supplier Core 37, we are pleased to…