Latest News
  1. Creating Inclusive Opportunities with Percy Hedley Foundation
  2. ENBL Report: Tartu 58-79 Eagles
  3. ENBL Preview: Eagles at Tartu
  4. Jordan Spencer Flies The Nest
  5. Report: Manchester 85-89 Eagles Men


April 25, 2023
Eagles Academy Recruiting

We are now accepting expressions of interest for people who want to be involved in the Eagles Academy for the 2023-24 season Please fill out the Eagles Academy Expression of Interest form if you are interested in Head Coach, Assistant Coach or Team Manager positions. The closing date for entry is 5pm on Friday 5 May 2023….

June 9, 2022
Job Advert: Casual Events and Hospitality Staff

Our Vertu Motors Arena is looking to recruit casual staff to work a broad range of events we host, from basketball games and boxing to conferences and weddings. We have a number of roles in food and beverage as well as some behind the scenes opportunities for new event crew members to work on setting-up and…

August 12, 2021
Job Advert: Development Manager

The Eagles Community Foundation is looking to fill a new position of Development Manager for its award-winning region-wide outreach programme. To apply: Please complete the Eagles Community Foundation’s job application form and submit it to Susan Hunter, either via email to [email protected] or post to Susan Hunter, Chief Operating Officer, Eagles Community Foundation, Vertu Motors Arena, Scotswood…