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January 7, 2018
It’s Game On For Friday

First of all, a belated Happy New Year to you all. I wish you health, happiness and prosperity in 2018 and all that you’d wish for yourself. A blog probably has been a bit overdue so let’s go! Discretion being the better part of valour I decided to forgo the long road trip to Bristol…

December 20, 2017
Time For Reflection?

So, what can I say, we reach Christmas second in the league and in the quarter-finals of the BBL Trophy with a home tie to look forward too. We may even get an indication of how that could go with our last game of 2017 being away in Sheffield. Many, if not all of you,…

December 8, 2017
What’s In A Squad?

Seems like a good time to launch another blog especially as I haven’t for over a week now. Perhaps this one will get lost in the myriad of all other things that will be going on this weekend, not least of which is tonight’s crucial game against The Scorchers. Plus, non-Eagles wise but very much…

December 5, 2017
A Date Night With A Difference

Eagles game nights are a great fun night out for adults and kids alike and on Friday 10th November when the Surrey Scorchers visited Sport Central so did Chloe McGuirk better known as the North East blogger New Girl In Toon. Chloe is the latest guest blogger we are featuring this season and here is…

November 30, 2017
The Curious Case Of The Missing Shoes

So, there I was standing outside in the pouring rain, water seeping up through the hallowed turf and flooding the whole venerable are with mud, mud, glorious mud. It was cold, it was wet, and it was glorious, the day had finally come. It’s been a long, long, long hard struggle and quite how Mr…

November 27, 2017
Home Again And Time To Reflect

Well, it was a very, very, very long trip back and a very quiet one too. I would hope and imagine a lot of reflection went on in those comfy leather seats as we blasted back up the highways and byways of this green and pleasant land to our own beds. Yesterday was a surprise….

November 26, 2017
Half-Way There!

So, settled in to the hotel at Plymouth which according to my match report is a suburb of Bristol, my roomie Mr Forrester and I took advantage of my free BT Sport subscription and watched the first part of England’s demise in The Ashes up to lunch. That was all we watched, sleep was needed…

November 25, 2017
Away We Gan

So, we’re off on a road trip that for me starts in and finishes in Cramlington visiting Byker, Bristol, Plymouth and Byker again. If I have my maths right, a little old round trip of 848 miles for 80 minutes of basketball, I must be mad! No, I must be dedicated, and I must be…

November 6, 2017
From Adversity Comes Strength

Well, we all saw it but I’m not sure any of us quite believed it. Hurts so much thinking about I hardly want to remind anyone about it, BUT you have to be big and you have to stand proud and if we celebrate our wins then we have to face up to our losses….