Latest News
  1. Report: London Lions 79-68 Eagles Men
  2. Report: Eagles Women 81-66 Caledonia Gladiators
  3. Preview: Eagles Men at London Lions
  4. Report: Eagles Men 67-83 Gladiators
  5. Preview: Eagles Women vs Caledonia Gladiators


June 29, 2023
WBBL Team’s STEM Project Is A Game-Changer

In a time when women in sport and the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths are on the rise, an innovative education project led by our Newcastle Eagles women’s team is breaking down stereotypes. The Science Of Basketball programme encourages Key Stage 2 students to tackle key STEM topics, such as percentages, ratios, averages and…

June 21, 2023
Newcastle Eagles Get Seriös

Seriös Group Newcastle Eagles is the new name for a new era of professional basketball in the North East after the BBL’s most successful franchise sealed a bold new partnership. Tyneside-based Seriös Group will shape the identity of both the men’s and women’s franchises after securing naming rights for the new season. The rapidly expanding…

June 14, 2023
WBBL Team Volunteer Assistant Coach Opportunity

We have an exciting opportunity available to an ambitious coach to join our WBBL team in an assistant coach position working alongside our head coach Noelia Cacheiro and assistant coach Luke Orwin for the 2023-24 season. The volunteer role requires attendance at three evening coaching sessions per week – Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 6-8pm. Basketball coaching…

May 15, 2023
More Home Games Guaranteed In New BBL Format

The British Basketball League is delighted to share its new formats for the 2023-24 season, which will guarantee Eagles fans two more home games. Regular season competition will make its return on the weekend of Thursday 14 September when each team will play each other four times, twice at home and twice away, over a…

May 11, 2023
Our 2022-23 End of Season Awards Winners

Last Friday, Newcastle Eagles fans, players and staff came together for a final farewell going into the summer break after the 2022-23 season with our biggest ever End of Season Supporters Night. The sold-out annual event is the last opportunity for signatures and selfies with our BBL and WBBL teams and sees the club’s prestigious awards…

May 2, 2023
Report: London Lions WBBL 86-37 Eagles

Newcastle’s mission impossible proved predictably unmanageable as the most talented women’s team in WBBL history put the hapless Eagles to the sword. London Lions were merciless in their dismantling of Noelia Cacheiro’s ragged roster on a bad day at the office for the vanquished visitors. But playoff quarter-final defeat to the wealthiest club in the…

May 1, 2023
Preview: WBBL Play-Offs Quarter Final

It’s destination Crystal Palace for Head Coach Noelia Cacheiro and her Newcastle Eagles WBBL team in today’s play-off quarter-final. The Eagles making the post season series last weekend on the last day of the regular season. Their reward is a one-off game against the all-conquering London Lions side that many feel are the best side to…

April 23, 2023
Report: Eagles WBBL 53-67 Sevenoaks Suns

A defeat on the day but overall a victory as the Newcastle Eagles WBBL made it by the skin of their teeth into post-season play. They do so because the three teams chasing the final two play-off places all finished with identical 9 wins and 13 losses. Cardiff Met Archers, Durham Palatinates and The Eagles…

April 23, 2023
Report: Cardiff Met Archers 67-75 Eagles WBBL

The Newcastle Eagles WBBL fate will go to the last game of the season despite a heroic road win at Cardiff last night. Needing to win by ten points to confirm their play-off place Head Coach Noelia Cacherio’s came up agonisingly short. An eight-point victory for Newcastle bizarrely means it was a better result for The…