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September 2, 2017
First Day Done And On We Go

Well in a week where if you read about North East sport in the popular press all you here is doom and gloom, the Head Coach having thinly disguised pops at The Owner and the inability to get the players they want over the line, let’s look at a properly run professional sports team in…

August 22, 2017
Time Will Tell

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and Boys and whatever else you want to call yourself, there we have it, The 2017/18 Esh Group Eagles Newcastle. Whadda Y’all Think? I think I’m pretty excited and you should be too. Let’s have a little recap and a bit of fun too although, the fun may get me…

August 18, 2017
How Many Players Make A Team?

So, eight in or is it nine? We never announce Fab as a player but he’s still our Coach and he’s always said that when he stops playing he’ll stop coaching so, make of that what you will. Now if you want to go 5 x 5 in practice you need 10 players. Wonder if…

August 11, 2017
We Told You And We Have More To Tell

Ok, we promised more and we’ve delivered. Two more in and what signings they are. The love for Drew and his return was evident from how you filled not just our Social Media with positive comments but also Ayshea and Drew’s too. Seems only right that Cali-Mae should return home. After all, she is a…

August 3, 2017
What Do You Think Of It So Far?

“Rubbish” would have been the reply of a much lamented legendary English comedian. But in my humble opinion it’s Saah Far Saah Good! Four in means more to come and that’s still a lot to be excited about and one wonders what level of excitement and anticipation has been reached so far? By the time…

July 23, 2017
The Times They Are A-Changing

Well, we already knew that OJ was gone and now we’ve had it confirmed that Scott is too and whilst I mean no disrespect to Orlan who gave us a solid season, the loss of Scott Martin will be felt and it’s left a big hole to fill. When Scott first signed for The Eagles…