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The Big Interview

December 20, 2019
The Big Interview: Mike Morsell

The Eagles may have only had two games in the last five weeks but they were games where American forward Mike Morsell firmly announced his arrival on the BBL scene with two great performances. First off, he racked up 30 points albeit in a losing cause in the BBL Cup quarter final down in Worcester…

November 6, 2019
The Big Interview: Dave Forrester

For the latest in my series of The Big Interviews, I caught up with Newcastle’s very own legal Eagle, assistant head coach and Eagles Community Foundation trustee Dave Forrester to chat about his life as an Eagle and his thoughts on many things basketball and Newcastle related. As always Dave wasn’t backward at coming forwards…

September 19, 2019
The Big Interview: Rahmon Fletcher

Who better to sum up the preseason fixtures and performances and to look ahead to the opening game of the 2019-20 season than Eagles Captain Rahmon Fletcher? The mercurial point guard and on-court general helped to preview The BBL Cup Group Game against Cheshire. He started by looking at the preseason games which resulted in…

September 13, 2019
The Big Interview: Ian MacLeod

At 08:00am on Friday 6th September a new chapter in the story of Newcastle Eagles unfolded as Ian MacLeod was announced as Interim Head Coach in place of the departed Fab Flournoy. Just over 12 hours later he’d presided over his first game in that role against BBL opposition. It may have only been a pre-season…