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  1. Report: Oakland Wolves 85 – 59 Eagles
  2. Report: Leicester Riders 99 – 81 Eagles
  3. Preview: Eagles Women at Oakland Wolves
  4. Preview: Eagles Men at Leicester Riders
  5. ‘Money’ Mike Okauru confident the Eagles can make history


January 19, 2019
It’s Everything A Home Court Should Be

Today’s guest writer is Simon Bird, a North-East based sports writer for the Daily Mirror, who attended our arena opening game against Plymouth Raiders last Friday night. Take your seat at the new Eagles Community Arena for the first time and you are struck by several emotions. It feel intimate, close to the action. It’s…

October 13, 2018
So Far So Good

So, on the eve of the All-Stars Tournament and with no home game this weekend nor any midweek articles written I guess I’ve got time to do a blog and hopefully create a bit of discussion and have a bit of fun. Obviously was going to start with the Men’s Team, although should it be…

September 2, 2018
Belgium Day 5+1 – Lessons Learned, Oh-So Close and Goodbye For Now

So, the morning after the night before as well as the afternoon, evening, night, early morning and lunch-time the next day thrown in as I conclude my story of our waffling great Belgian adventure. Saturday dawned and I think a few of us awoke with sore heads. Not because of any after-match activities but more…

September 1, 2018
Belgium Day 4 – A Village Stroll and That Game

So, today is game-day and I’m guessing all of you who follow me, IRF and a couple of others, will know what happened in that game as my report is on-line and will have started dissecting the result. More of that though later! The day started pretty much as the last couple had, breakfast followed…

August 31, 2018
Belgium Day 3 – Groundhog Day and Who Are Charleroi

Ok then Day 3 and you may guess from the title that it was a very similar day to Day 2! Once again two practices for the guys who are really putting in the work and coming together with every minute spent on the court together. A great sense of camaraderie building as they start…

August 13, 2018
What’s In A Name?

So, what’s in a name or is it where there’s a Williams there’s a way! Kai became our fifth signing of the summer to be announced last week once again joining his bro’ in the same ranks and bringing that Eagles continuity to the roster that Fab, Dave, Ian and dare I say I, like….

July 22, 2018
More No News!

Well I suppose it’s time for another blog and another one of those with plenty to say but nothing to report! Pride of place and first up is to Mr and Mrs Williams. Yep, Verity and Kai have tied the knot and had a fantastic day yesterday celebrating this wonderful event.  We offer our biggest…

May 13, 2018
3×3 Part 1

So, I got the semi-final results absolutely spot-on then! Mind you after that draw down at The Copper Box on Friday I did have a snigger at myself. But, The Vince of Darkness and his boys came through for me and perhaps it’s fitting that we will have the top two slugging it out at…

April 1, 2018
The Facts Ma’am Just The Facts!

First, yes, it is April Fools Day but I’m posting this after 12:00pm so you know that it’s not a joke. Secondly, yes, it has been a long time since my last blog and for those thousands who have implored me to blog again, well the two or three of you anyway, I apologise for…