After recent victories the Eagles fight relentlessly to maintain their momentum but with coach Fab Flournoy recovering from recent sporting injury they had to ensure their determined mind set throughout the game against Surrey United.
The Eagles opened up the game with the first basket scored within the first 40 seconds by Charles Smith long before Surrey took the spotlight with two 3-point shots shortly afterwards. With the final score after the first quarter being 22-18 Eagles slightly edged ahead by 4 points.
Beginning the second quarter with Surreys Dominique Coleman scoring their freethrow. After a 3-point score from Stuart Thomson the Eagles short forward to stretch their lead, the quarter ended with 8 unanswered points for the Newcastle Eagles, with a mighty score of 48-31!
After a relatively slow start star man ‘Fletcher’ brought the pace back with an excellent piece of play resulting in a dunk by Defoe with only 4 minutes left, Surrey returned the favour with a setup to a dunk by Knutson. The Eagles
dominated the court with 13 points from turnovers and double the amount of offensive rebounds than Surrey. The quarter ending with a wide gap, the Eagles with 75 whilst Surrey still lagging behind with 49.
In the final leg of the game the Eagles were untouchable by the end of the night with a commendable final score of 101-62 however the Surrey team still fought on scoring a 3-pointer in the final minutes but were quickly responded
to by a free throw from Darius Defoe the eagles hitting a big 101 points in the final seconds.