This morning CIPD North East of England announced their 2019 HR&D Awards is set to take place at our Eagles Community Arena on Thursday 20 June and that the night will also raise funds for our foundation.

The event is the region’s most prestigious ceremony for the best human resources and people management teams, recognising and celebrating outstanding achievements in the sector and the positive impact that its staff have on the local business community.

Elouise Leonard-Cross and Sarah Carnegie, co-chairs of CIPD North East, said: “We have some very exciting plans for our awards dinner, when we will be hosting the event at the new Eagles Community Arena, and it is an honour to confirm that the Eagles Community Foundation will be our official charity on the night.

“The CIPD awards showcase the best of the HR&D industry in the North East. The eight categories all focus on the value that HR&D can bring to organisations and we’re looking forward to highlighting some of the region’s top talent at our awards ceremony.”

The awards are delivered in association with The Journal and associate sponsors Nigel Wright Recruitment, and allow companies to share best practice and inspire future practitioners and businesses. They are open to all types of organisations, regardless of size or sector and the winners will be announced on June 20 at a glamorous awards dinner.

Find out more about the event, entering the awards and getting tickets on The Journal’s website and the CIPD North East of England website.