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  1. Eagles Men vs Bristol Flyers Fixture Set For Easter Monday
  2. Eagles Injury Update
  3. Report: Manchester 86-79 Eagles Men
  4. Preview: Eagles Men at Manchester
  5. Report: Eagles Women 86-70 Oaklands Wolves

Future Energy

January 2, 2018
Future Eagles Thankful for Support

At this time of year many people take time to be thankful and that is no different for our Eagles Community Foundation this year. The foundation has so much going as it looks towards the build of the Eagles Community Arena in 2018 and this year they were delighted to receive a huge boost for…

November 2, 2017
15 Years of the Central Venue League

Today marks 15-years since the first games of the Newcastle Eagles’ Central Venue League (CVL) back on Saturday 2 November 2002. The Eagles’ CVL was born out of a need by the basketball community of the North East with no junior basketball leagues running prior to it’s launch when the only other opportunity for young…