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  1. Preview: Eagles Men at Manchester
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Dame Allan's Schools

October 18, 2023
Slam Dunk For Dame Allan’s Schools

Young basketball players at Dame Allan’s Schools will continue to benefit from a lucrative partnership with the Seriös Group Newcastle Eagles. The partnership will see Eagles coaches and players come into Dame Allan’s to host workshops and training sessions, helping to inspire the next generation of North East basketball stars. Basketball is thriving at Dame…

April 12, 2023
Dame Allan’s Pupils Put Through Their Paces

A group of Year 7 boys from Dame Allan’s Schools were put through their paces with a special training session delivered by Newcastle Eagles head coach Marc Steutel. The Eagles BBL and Great Britain national team play-caller gave the young ballers a masterclass to develop their skills and introduce them to sporting options outside the remit of…

December 21, 2022
Dame Allan’s Shoots For The Stars with Eagles Partnership

Newcastle Eagles is pleased to confirm that it has once again partnered with Dame Allan’s Schools to raise awareness of basketball and increase participation in the sport. Last week, a group of sixth form students took part in a a very special training session and masterclass at the Vertu Motors Arena led by Eagles BBL head…