After the huge success of our collections in December, we will be collecting for the Newcastle West End Foodbank at a number of our BBL games across the early part of 2020 and on selected CVL Saturdays.

Proud Eagles sponsors and our arena’s neighbours Vertu Honda are continuing to supplying us with vehicles which will take their place on the arena front plaza to take donations from all of our amazing fans.

The dates we are looking for donations are:

  • Friday 17 January – Eagles vs Phoenix
  • Saturday 18 January – CVL
  • Friday 7 February – Eagles vs Lions
  • Saturday 8 February – CVL
  • Friday 6 March – Eagles vs Wolves
  • Saturday 7 March – CVL
  • Friday 10 April – Eagles vs Raiders
  • Saturday 11 April – CVL

The foodbank have requested non-perishable food items, for example:

  • Breakfast cereal
  • Long life milk
  • Juice
  • Baked beans
  • Christmas puddings
  • Cooking sauces
  • Tinned meat
  • Tinned vegetables
  • Rice and pasta
  • Pasta sauce
  • Tea/coffee
  • Biscuits

A huge thank you in advance to anyone who can contribute to our collections and drop the items off at the Hondas out at the front of the arena.

Donations will be accepted all-day on Thursdays, on your way into the arena for the BBL game on Friday nights and across the day during CVL game times on Saturdays at the dates listed above.