Well, we already knew that OJ was gone and now we’ve had it confirmed that Scott is too and whilst I mean no disrespect to Orlan who gave us a solid season, the loss of Scott Martin will be felt and it’s left a big hole to fill.

When Scott first signed for The Eagles it was an amazing coup. To get a player of that ability who had played at such a high level in The NCAA with Notre Dame doesn’t normally happen in this league. Sure, he had question marks over his fitness and a lot to prove but boy did he ever.

From the moment he walked in to his first training session we knew we’d signed someone that was going to be a quality addition to the team on-court and club off-court and so it proved. We really thought that if he proved his fitness in that first year he’d be a one and done.

To have him for four years and for him to lay down such a legacy and play such a part in our history shows that he thought a lot of us, we looked after him the way he wanted and that he enjoyed it all immensely.

I think anyone that ever met and spoke with Scott knew what a great person he was as well as a heck of a baller too and there’s no doubt in any of our minds that whatever steps he takes moving forward, he will be an undoubted success in the future.

I’m 100% convinced we’ll see him again sometime at an Eagles game at the very least as I know he came to love The Club, it’s family and the area. We can only thank him for what he did for The Club and be thankful that we had him for those four years.

But, as I started this article by mentioning OJ leaving and then moved on to Scott I bring you all back to what it means for The Eagles and our 2017/18 roster? We know fairly obviously that there are going to be replacements needed and a new strategy planned.

Rest assured that those of us behind the scenes are working as hard as we can on what we all have to do and whilst losing OJ and Scott is a blow, we also know what we want and need to be competitive in 2017/18 and moving forward.

It’s going to be interesting that’s for sure.