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Phil Redman

September 1, 2023
Mott MacDonald Back Eagles Women

Global engineering, management and development giant Mott MacDonald has strengthened its commitment to the city of Newcastle by sponsoring the women’s basketball team for the second year running. The world-renowned consultancy places a keen focus on improving society by transforming businesses, communities and employee opportunities. And its work alongside Newcastle’s top-flight women’s basketball team enables…

November 7, 2022
Mott MacDonald Engineer Eagles Partnership

Newcastle Eagles and Mott MacDonald have drawn up big plans that sees the global engineering, management and development consultancy take over the WBBL team’s back of kit sponsorship. Visiting the Vertu Motors Arena last week ahead of the WBBL team’s home tip-off on Saturday, Phil Redman, Mott MacDonald’s Newcastle Area Director said: “We’re delighted to provide…