Latest News
  1. Report: Oakland Wolves 85 – 59 Eagles
  2. Report: Leicester Riders 99 – 81 Eagles
  3. Preview: Eagles Women at Oakland Wolves
  4. Preview: Eagles Men at Leicester Riders
  5. ‘Money’ Mike Okauru confident the Eagles can make history


May 30, 2024
Second WilliamsAli Challenge Shooting For The Stars

The 2024 WilliamsAli 3×3 Basketball Challenge is just around the corner and the Newcastle business community is shooting for the stars with its Eagles Community Foundation fundraising target at the second annual event next Friday, 7th June. Even more companies jumped at the chance and signed-up to take to the court this year, with a…

May 11, 2023
Charity Golf Day In Aid of Our Foundation and Teenage Cancer Trust

Golf in the City (GITC) are hosting our their first annual charity day at Slaley Hall on Friday 19 May. Teams of golfers from across the region will be coming together to compete and raise much needed funds for both the Eagles Community Foundation and Teenage Cancer Trust. GITC’s aim is to grow their golf…

November 3, 2022
Comedy Night Fun Raises Funds For Academy

A comedy night held in the Vertu Motors Arena Brian Manning Suite run by networking group Golf in the City (GITC) has raised £500 for the Newcastle Eagles Academy. Marc Millar from North Wealth Management, Senior Partner Practice of St. James’s Place Wealth Management and founder of GITC, visited the Vertu Motors Arena this week…

December 7, 2020
Get Gin and Give To Our Foundation

Newcastle Eagles WBBL sponsors WL Distillery have pledged to donate 10% of this week’s sales to the foundation when gin lovers add the coupon ‘WLEagles‘ in their shopping cart. Visit the WL Distillery website and make a Christmas purchase by the end of this Sunday 13 December to get a great present and raise much needed…

October 1, 2020
2020-21 Eagles Shootathon Results

Last month we hosted our first annual ‘Eagles Shootathon’ to celebrate the start of the 2020-21 season and the return to training for our Eagles Community Foundation clubs. Thanks to 85 shooters taking part a grand total of over 22,000 points were scored in 30 minute slots across the day. Many players shot back-to-back slots…

June 28, 2020
Support Our Foundation When Shopping on Amazon

Before you next do any shopping on Amazon by following the simple steps below our foundation will receive a small percentage of your order and any others going forwards with AmazonSmile. WHEN YOU SHOP ON AMAZON   THEY GIVE TO OUR CHARITY FOUNDATION HOW DOES IT WORK? AmazonSmile is an Amazon charity donation programme which…

April 6, 2020
Help The Eagles By Donating To Our Foundation

We have set-up ways you can donate to our Eagles Community Foundation, a registered charity. Supporting our foundation positively affects all parts of the Eagles organisation. HOW YOU CAN HELP If you feel you are able to, there are two ways you can donate to help towards the foundation’s future: DONATE MONTHLY You can donate monthly…

November 22, 2019
Police Take Hornets To Court

One of our Eagles Community Foundation’s basketball clubs has received a haul of new equipment thanks to their local bobby on the beat. Cardinal Hornets is a volunteer-led basketball club run by our foundation out of Cardinal Hume Primary School in Gateshead. More than a hundred children between the ages of five and 16 are…

December 24, 2017
Thank You For Your Donations

A huge thank you from everyone at the Eagles goes to all of our fans for their generosity and support with the charity appeals we backed in the run-up to Christmas. We asked you for donations of food, gifts and toys for those less fortunate and we were overwhelmed with what we collected on game…

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