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  1. Report: Oakland Wolves 85 – 59 Eagles
  2. Report: Leicester Riders 99 – 81 Eagles
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July 14, 2013
2 Days left – Derby Matt Shaw on board

With only 2 days left to secure your place on the Newcastle Eagles Summer Basketball Camp the Eagles are pleased to announce another top coach to the week long coaching staff. Matt Shaw is head coach of the Derby Basketball Academy which is a partnership between Noel-Baker Sixth Form, Derby College and the Derby Trailblazers…

July 13, 2013
3 Days Left – Reading double winning coach one of all star coaches

Former Reading head coach Samit Nuruzade will be a guest coach on the Newcastle Eagles Basketball Camp which start Monday 22nd July. Coach Nuruzade well spend the full week at the camp and is coming off a double winning season having lead Reading Rockets to the Division 1 league title and play off Championship back…

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