We want to thank all our fans and supporters of our foundation for all of their support at this difficult period during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and so in turn we want to do our best to support all of our Eagles family at this time.

Are you feeling isolated?

Has social distancing made you feel lonely?

Would you just like a quick catch-up chat on the phone or to exchange emails with a volunteer member of our Eagles family?

Complete the form below or send us an email on [email protected] and we aim to respond to all requests for catch-ups within 24 hours.

(Please note if you request a phone call this may come from an unknown number.)

    BasketballGeneral chatHistory of the EaglesOther sports

    We aim to respond to requests for catch-ups within 24 hours and we look forward to speaking with members of our Eagles family.

    Your details and request will be securely stored in the strictest confidence and in accordance with our privacy policy.