Powered By Water

Powered by Water also teaches children the importance of choosing water over fizzy drinks and certain fruit juices, which can contain high amounts of sugar. Too much sugar is bad for your teeth, makes you feel tired and can lead to more serious health problems later in life.
Maureen Berne, External Communications Manager for Northumbrian Water said “The Eagles Community Foundation do some terrific work with young people emphasising the benefits of physical activity and we’re really proud to join up with them. It’s really important that young people learn how important it is to stay hydrated, as it will assist their development, keep them healthy and give them a boost both when playing sport and working hard in the classroom.
“We hope that teaching children the importance of drinking water, through the Powered by Water programme, will help them to stay healthy, hydrated and active throughout their lives.”
Sam Blake, Chief Executive Officer of our Eagles Community Foundation, added “Working with Northumbria Water has enabled the Hoops4Health programme to deliver a targeted workshop explaining not only the direct benefits to our health through being hydrated but also how we must remind ourselves never to take it for granted that we have one of the best quality tap waters in the world!”
You can find out more about Hoops 4 Health and lots more coaching and educational programmes run by our foundation on their pages of this website.