Latest News
  1. Pull-ing Together
  2. Oh What A Knight!
  3. Report: Eagles Men 110-101 Cheshire Phoenix
  4. Preview: Eagles Men vs Cheshire Phoenix
  5. Eagles Women Cup Semi-Final Rearranged


Please complete the form and check the box to confirm you answer NO to all the screening questions below before entering the arena.

By entering the arena players hereby agree to follow the COVID-19 ‘Return To Play’ rules listed below.


Screening questions:

  • Have you been in contact with anyone with or suspected of having COVID-19 in the last 14 Days?
  • Has anyone in your household had COVID-19 symptoms in the last 2 weeks?
  • Have you been advised to self-isolate due to an infection within another setting, such as school?
  • Have you returned from a foreign country in the past 14 days, one without a travel bridge and therefore should be in quarantine?
    • Do you have a new persistent cough?
    • Have you had any loss of taste or smell?
    • Do you have any underlying health conditions that would put you at further risk should you contract COVID-19?
      • Cardiovascular problems
      • High blood pressure
      • Diabetes
      • Chronic kidney or liver disease
      • Compromised immunity diseases
      • Obesity (BMI 40+)

COVID-19 Return To Play Rules:

  • Clean your ball and alcohol gel your hands at the cleaning stations at the start, every 20 minutes during and at the end of your session.
  • Maintain 1m+ social distancing throughout the arena and wear a face covering, including around the court, when not playing.
  • Arrive ready to play – changing rooms and showers are closed.
  • Avoid touching your face or mouth without washing your hands for 20 seconds or more with hot soapy water or applying alcohol gel.
  • Avoid touching surfaces as much as possible e.g. benches, chairs, doors and tables – open doors using the kickplates where possible.
  • No shouting.
  • No handshakes, high fives or other bodily contact.
  • Don’t help each other up off the floor to reduce the touching of hands.
  • Avoid congregating together even in team ‘huddles’ players and coaches must maintain 1m+ social distancing.
  • Bring own refreshments – water bottles cannot be refilled at the arena.
  • Alcohol gel hands before and after using the toilets.

All visitors must:

  • Follow social distancing rules of 2m or 1m+ around the arena.
  • Wear a face covering where required at 1m+ social distancing.
  • Notify the arena if you become symptomatic of COVID-19 within 48 hours of your visit.


    I answered NO to all the screening questions.