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Eagles Community Foundation Player’s Codes of Conduct

Anyone participating in activity run by our Eagles Community Foundation must agreed to adhere to the terms of our Player’s Code of Conduct.

Similarly all of our coaches accept their code of conduct before leading any activity on the foundation’s behalf.

Players or the parents/guardians of one or more players can accept these terms electronically at the bottom of this page after reading:

Player’s Code of Conduct

The Eagle’s Community Foundation is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the wellbeing of all its players. The foundation believes that it is important that all associated with the foundation should show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others at all times.

As a member of the Eagles Community Foundation you are expected to abide by the following player code of conduct:

  • All players must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, gender, ability, race, cultural background, religious beliefs or sexual identity.
  • All players must play within the rules and respect officials and their decisions.
  • Players must wear suitable sports clothing including suitable footwear.
  • Players must pay any fees for training, memberships and games in the time agreed.
  • Where possible players should inform the coach if they are unable to attend training or a game or if they are running late.
  • Bullying of any sort will not be tolerated.
  • Emergency contact details and relevant medical information should be provided to the coach and the coach should be notified if anything changes.
  • Deliberate damage to property, including facilities will need to be paid for by the player.
  • Players must follow the guidelines highlighted in the social and media use policy.
  • Players are not allowed to smoke, consume alcohol or drugs whilst on any club premises or whilst representing the club at any event.

Any breaches of this code of conduct will be dealt with immediately by the Eagles Community Foundation. Persistent concerns or breaches may result in you being asked not to attend a number of games or sessions. The ultimate action should a player continue to breach the code of behaviour may be the Eagles Community Foundation regrettably asking you to leave the club/session.

Accept these terms electronically by completing the form below:

* indicates required


Please tick the boxes to accept the following: