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Eagles Community Foundation Coach’s Code of Conduct

Along with all players participating in Eagles Community Foundation activity, all of our coaches must accept and adhere to the following.

Coaches’ Code of Conduct

Coaches must adhere to the following code of conduct if working for or on behalf of Eagles Community Foundation:

  • Coaches must respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person and treat everyone equally within the context of basketball.
  • Coaches must place the wellbeing and safety of the player above the development of performance.  They should follow all guidelines laid down by Basketball England and hold appropriate insurance cover.
  • Coaches must develop an appropriate working relationship with players, based on mutual trust and respect.  Coaches must not exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.
  • Coaches must encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.
  • Coaches should hold up to date and nationally recognised coaching qualifications, enhanced DBS, safeguarding certificate and first aid qualification.
  • Coaches must ensure the activities they direct or advocate are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of the individual.
  • Coaches should, at the outset, clarify with players (and where appropriate with their parents/guardians) exactly what is expected of them and what players are entitled to expect from their coach.
  • Coaches should always promote the positive aspects of the sport e.g. fair play and never condone rule violations.
  • Coaches must consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.  Clothing should not have any rude, vulgar, racist or obscene pictures or language.
  • Coaches must arrive at least 15 minutes before the designated start time of a session.
  • Where possible coaches should prepare all sessions in advance.
  • Coaches should have a close working relationship with the Mentoring Officer and actively use the coaching syllabus provided on Google Drive.
  • Coaches should not have any minors (players aged 17 or below) on any personal social media platform.  If a coach has a social media platform that is work related this should not be used for personal use.
  • Coaches should be fully aware of the child protection policy and ensure that their knowledge is kept up to date e.g. in no circumstances should any coach have a player who is a minor in their car.

Any breaches of this code of conduct will be dealt with immediately by the Eagles Community Foundation.  Persistent concerns or breaches may result in disciplinary action.

If you have any queries or concerns relating to our codes or the conduct of a coach please contact our Chief Operating Officer Susan Hunter by emailing [email protected] or by calling 0191 2453880 and asking to speak to her. Your correspondence will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.

Accept these terms electronically by completing the form below:

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