1st quarter description:
The game started at a fast pace with both teams facing each other for a 6-6 when Trafford started to play strong defence to quickly taking the lead behind an 0-11 (6-17) score in the first few seconds. However, Eagles manage to score back to back and end the quarter 11-21.
2nd quarter description:
The second quarter saw an equal game between both teams for the first 6 minutes, when Eagles started to push bit more defensively so they came up with a 12-2 in their favour and going to the half time 12 points behind.
3rd quarter description:
The 3rd quarter was an even one for both teams, exchanging few baskets but where defences were taking the lead over offence, with a 3qt partial of 10-9 for Eagles. The attitude and effort were reflected on court stopping Trafford players, but still few bad decisions giving them easy points on fast breaks.
4th quarter description:
Unfortunately, the fourth quarter could not be a continuation of the last 2 quarters and a more focussed Trafford team took better decisions and played with no rush using the advantage on the score, ending with a final score of 53-70.
Coach / captain quote:
Eagles Head Coach, Miquel Vinyals said: “After the last two bad losses, the team showed themselves with a great attitude and being bit more consistent during the whole game. I am quite pleased with U16s work (Luke and Elliot) who helped the team under a short number and took their chance to step up.”
Next week sees Eagles resting due Cheshire Phoenix pulling their team from the league.